Five Tips for Photography Pricing

Another view-from-my-office photo taken on 01 July 2017.

Five brief suggestions for pricing your photography services:


1. There’s a saying that you shouldn’t charge by the hour but rather by your years of experience.

Charge for knowing how to make a good photograph rather than for knowing how to push a shutter button.


2. Your prices are an indication of the quality and value of your photography services. As we all know, higher prices give the perception of higher quality.

What’s your perception of the quality of your photography? What do you want your customers’ perception to be?


3. Customers want to feel good about their purchase and themselves. They don’t want buyer’s remorse. Customers really buy feelings which means they shop using emotion not logic.

Customer experience is important, logical pricing is not.


4. Customers will feel about your photography pricing the same way they feel about you.

Customer relationships are important.


5. Customers think with their eyes and shop with their emotions. There’s a reason why some doctors, dentists, veterinarians, pharmacists, cosmetic salespeople and even some high-end, European car dealership service managers wear white lab coats and have their college degree or other certificates framed on a wall. Labs coats and framed certificates say, “professional, expert, qualified.”

You need to act less like a vendor and more like an expert trained to help the customer.


Five Tips for Photography Pricing

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