Annual Report photography

Annual reports contain a mix of corporate photography, editorial photography and maybe a tiny amount of advertising photography. Other than to publish a company’s financial numbers, an annual report has to show what the company does, how it does what it does and show its accomplishments from the past fiscal year.

As we move into the traditional season for annual reports (i.e. late winter / early spring), here are some suggestions for annual report photography.

Annual Report photography tips

• Some photography should be done throughout the year and not just during the weeks prior to publication of the annual report.

For example, if a new factory or office is opened, photograph it while it’s still clean and shiny. Product launches, important press conferences and other major events held during the year should be photographed with an eye towards the annual report.


• Do exterior photos during the summer or early autumn, especially here in Canada. The best view of a building depends not only on the time of day but also on the time of year.


• Exterior photography isn’t just pictures of buildings. These photos should make a statement about the company. What message should a building exterior say? Big and strong? Friendly and approachable? A good neighbour in the community?


• Executive portraits put a face on the company. These portraits must show that the company and its leaders are professional, trustworthy and capable. The executives should look the viewer in the eye. These pictures are about facial expression and body language. This photography is often understated.


• Environmental portraits serve another purpose. This type of portrait tries to show that the executive is a take-charge, hands-on, confident leader. Eye contact with the viewer is not required. This picture is about body language and photo composition. The photography can be more dynamic, more creative.


• Some companies also use portraits of various employees. This is to show that the company is more than executives, it’s also a family of everyday folks. This type of photography brings the company down to earth. It helps the general public better identify with the company. (Side note: seriously consider getting employees to sign model releases for these photos.)


• The design of an annual report should reflect the personality of the company and its audience. The annual report for a toy manufacturer should be different than that for an accounting firm. The annual report photography should reflect this personality.

Don’t use stock photography

You wouldn’t put someone else’s name on your business card so why would you put someone else’s face on your business? This is what stock photos do.

It would be laughable if you included stock pictures with your press release. It’s no different when you include stock pictures in your annual report.

• When a company uses someone else’s pictures for its annual report, it’s misrepresenting its business. So can it be trusted with its financial numbers?


• If a company can’t be bothered to create its own photography to enhance its corporate image, what does that say about that business?


• When a company decides to go cheap by using stock pictures, it proves the company likes to cut corners. Will investors be impressed with that?


• Investors want to see where their money went. It certainly didn’t go to anonymous people in generic settings as shown in stock pictures.


• How embarrassing will it be if a competitor uses the same stock pictures in its publications or web site? Stock pictures do get around and a company has no control of that.


If your photo budget is small then it’s much better to do a handful of images really well than use a large number of cheap stock pictures.

Not an Annual Report

A business that isn’t required to publish an annual report might still consider doing it. This document would be for soft marketing. It’s for reaching out to customers to build another avenue of trust. The company may not release any financial numbers but it would use its report to talk about the previous year, list accomplishments and perhaps indicate future plans.

This report would probably be an online PDF. Quality business photography would still be required because:

(1) Pictures create immediate interest.

(2) It’s more effective to show people rather than to tell them.

(3) Photos are more memorable than words.

Annual reports are not just for big corporations.


Annual Report photography

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