Being too expensive is really an opportunity

When a customer directly or indirectly tells a photographer that their price is too high, the photographer has to understand why the customer is saying this.

Sometimes a customer will say that the photographer’s price is too high when, in reality, the customer is undecided or confused about the offer. It’s easier to say, “it’s too expensive” than “I’m not sure how I can benefit from your photography.”

Although price has importance, it’s not often the make or break point of a sale. The critical point is whether or not the customer sees the potential value of the purchase. When a customer says the price is too high, that may indicate the photographer didn’t do a good job of showing the benefits of their photography.

Another reason why a customer might say the price is too high is when they can’t differentiate between photographers. If a customer thinks that all photographers are alike then they will shop price because that’s the way we normally buy a commodity. So when a customer says the price is too high, that may suggest that the photographer didn’t do a good job of standing out from other photographers.

A third reason is that since there are often too many photographers from which to choose, the customer will have difficulty making a choice. This might be explained by The Paradox of Choice. The anxiety of having too many choices means the customer may fail or refuse to make a choice. Or, they may try to simplify the decision making by falling back into their comfort zone of shopping by price.

The next time a customer says that the photography is too expensive, instead of blaming the customer for being cheap or not understanding the photography business, the photographer should look at themselves. Being called too expensive might be an opportunity for the photographer to review and improve their marketing.


Being too expensive is really an opportunity

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