Prompt For Business Portraits

You don’t have to look too closely to notice that there’s something wrong with these business portraits.

Artificial intelligence image generators are so much fun. The above images were created using a simple text prompt of “business portrait of company CEO.” Every time the prompt was run, the Stable Diffusion image generator kept creating very similar looking images of white males.

Repeatedly using the text prompt of “business portrait of company president,” the AI image generator again created very similar looking images of white men. But this time, it included one female.

Interestingly, there are now many web sites that sell detailed text prompts. These prompts include some that will supposedly generate more unique business portraits. (You can’t copyright an AI-generated image in the US or Canada. So far, there’s no word if you can copyright a text prompt.)

While it’s cheaper to use an AI-generated headshot, why would you? Why misrepresent yourself? Why are you trying mislead potential customers?

AI-generated imagery is more about style than substance. So the irony is that as more AI imagery is used, the more valuable authentic images become. If you have 19 minutes to spare, here’s a documentary about AI generated images. The imagery in this video by Alan Warburton was mostly generated by AI.

Some companies require full copyright ownership of their employees’ headshots so the company can control its brand image and reputation. But AI-generated photos can’t be copyrighted. This means that anyone can use your AI-generated headshots for any purpose.

Authentic photography creates interest because human interest is created by real people doing real things. Real photography builds credibility which, in turn, builds trust. Trust creates customers.


Prompt For Business Portraits

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